
Changing Back (Steve Rogers x Reader){2}

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~~~Back at the Quinjet wreckage~~~

“What do you got Falcon?” Steve listened.

“Just touched down the get a better look…and I have a dead orca in front of me Cap. Looks like it was pulled out of a hole threw the ice that’s begun freeze over already. Ugh it’s been torn into real bad, damn.” Sam voiced over coms.

“Any sign of her though Sam?” May asked over coms.

“I don’t…wait a minute…” Sam cut off.

“Sam what is it?” Bucky asked alert.

A quinjet was touching down to grab the ground team at this point to get them to Sam’s current location.

~~~Sam’s Location~~~

“Guys…do we know what (y/n) looks like in wolf form?” Sam hesitantly asked.

“No we don’t she never turned fully while at the base.” Barton came through coms.

“Well whatever this is it’s huge…and…SHIT! It’s headed my way…” Sam stopped and began running so he could take off.

~~~Back at the Quinjet wreckage~~~

“Falcon get off the ground!...We’re on our way!” Steve jumped in the quinjet with everyone and rushed out of there.

Barton flew with a purpose to get to Sam’s location fast.

~~~Sam’s Location~~~

Something was running from you but there wasn’t time to think. You were in full protection mode and ran at top speed. With a few leaps you caught up to what looked like a shiny bird with human legs. You pounced on it pinning it to the ground, with your jaw your ripped the wing off. It tasted funny and it was sparking, throwing the wing to the slide you examined it further. Metal and wires riddled the wing you started to panic now. Taking one paw you rolled the “bird” over, ears down and jumping back you looked down at Sam. Instantly you started whining and crying, you tried to change back but it was difficult for you. You had been trying to get the hang of it all night.

“(y/n) it’s ok it’s me, Sam…” He had his hands raised and slowing go up.

You fully laid down still whining loudly with you ears all the way down. You almost hurt Sam. You must’ve looked like a huge menace to him. You closed your eyes and cried silently. There was a gentle pat on your head, you opened yours and looked up to see Sam showing he wasn’t afraid of you. Your ears perked at the distance sounds you were suddenly picking up. You looked into the distant sky and saw two quinjets heading your way. The whole team was here. You jumped up so quickly that Sam fell back in defense.

“grrrrrrr!” the growling came from no where but the sense of you being threaten kicked in.

“No no no no (y/n) it’s your friends…everyone is here to safely bring you home. Calm down.” Sam reassured.

He cupped his ear as to hear something. He was getting instructions from someone in the quinjets. You didn’t want to go back you were different and dangerous. Bones shifted again and now you were standing on two legs towering over Sam.

“Oh my god…” he trailed off staring at your tall form.

~~~In Quinjets~~~

“5 minutes till we’re at Sam’s location.” May said.

“Oh my god…” Sam voiced over coms

“Sam what’s wrong!?” Steve asked over com.

“Ah Cap are you seeing this?” Barton said looking out the window.

“By the gods…” Loki caught a glimpse of what Barton had pointed out.

“She’s almost as tall as the hulk.” Morse said.

“We go in calmly not to scare her you got that. Looks like she damaged Sam’s flight pack. I don’t want either of them hurt, are we clear.” Steve gave instructions.

~~~Back on the ground~~~

They need to leave, you bared your teeth and extended your claws. You were going to scare them into leaving you here. Sam had started backing up slowly, you weren’t going to hurt him. You howled loudly which made Sam cringe. The quinjets were close enough they touched down and let off the teams.

“(y/n) it’s us…” Mac came up next to Sam.

“She was fine till she heard the jets.” Sam explained.

“It’s her animal instinct reacting, can’t possibly blame her for not feeling threatened.” Thor said.

Slowly one by one they spaced a circle around you, thinking to make sure you didn’t go anywhere. You looked around and caught Barton and Barnes. Your ears once again fell and a slow whine escaped you.

“We’re ok, promise.” Bucky said as if knowing you were apologizing.

Continuing your gaze around the circle till you saw him and then it was like the world stopped. He stared deep into your eyes and you couldn’t look away. A small metallic ball rolled right in front of you.

“Agent May! Don’t!” Steve tried to stop what happened next.

The ball let out a cloud of powder, which shot straight into your nostrils. You reared back trying blow it out. What the hell were they thinking trying to use nerve powder on you. You shoved your nose into the snow to stop the burning sensation. Everyone didn’t move they just waited. You changed back down to stand on all fours. The powder affected you slightly but you were able to still get your bearings.

“Shouldn’t that have immobilized her by now.” Hunter piped up.

A deep snarl came out of you and everyone got into a ready stance.

“You fools! You have upset her.” Loki said.

You bared your teeth and hair stood on ends as your tail twitched. Your vision was blurred but you could still make out bodies.

“I’ll throw another one…” Agent May went to take another ball out of her pouch.

“NO!” Steve ordered just as you barked loudly which made everyone jump.

You locked on to May and crouched down standing you ground. You kept trying to think about not hurting her but the animal was taking over. You needed to remove yourself from this situation.

“(y/n) calm down we are here to help.” Mac said outside your line of sight.

“What you just did, didn’t seem like helping.” The roughness of your voice scared you.

“She can talk! How can she do that?!” Clint said confused.

“Her mouth isn’t moving…” Hunter stated.

“She can project her thoughts, interesting.” Loki said intrigued.

“You guys need to leave.” You said through your thoughts.

“We are not going back without you.” Sam said.

“Fine, you leave me no other option then.” You projected.

You crouched done and charged Agent May only to stop mid-charge redirect yourself to the other end of the circle that surrounded you. With one good leap you where out and running free.

“(y/n)! COME BACK!” you heard someone yell.

You couldn’t go back, there was nothing for you back there. You desperately tried to lie to yourself, it’s for their own safety. With a twitch of your ear you heard the jets following. You picked up the pace to outrun them if you could.

~In the jets~

“She’s faster than we thought.” Clint said.

“Stay on her.” Steve said keeping you in his sights.

“Copy that.” Hunter said through coms.


You kept running knowing they were on you tail. You laughed to yourself at the pun you just made. You sharp eyes caught sight of your snow mound opening. You prepared for the dive in knowing you had to go in the water.

~In the jets~

“Ugh we just lost her.” Hunter said.

“What do you mean lost her” May voiced over the radio.

“Like lost visual as in she is gone.” Hunter replied sarcastically.

“Use the infrared, find her! We are not going back without her!” Steve ordered.

“I got nothing on infrared, she must have gone in the water to lower her body temperature.” Tony radioed.

“Open the back door!” Steve ordered and walked back to the bay.

“What do you plan on do…Cap!!...STEVE!!” Natasha had opened the door only to see Steve jump out without a chute.

“Stark! Do have a visual on Cap, he just jumped out!” Morse radioed.

“Does that happen a lot?” She asked Natasha.

“No he but him jumping out of planes without a chute that is his party trick.” Natasha said bringing the jet around.

~~~In the air~~~

“STARK LET ME GO!” Steve thrashed about.

“Are you nuts?! A fall from this height let alone the height of the jet could and can kill you!” Tony yelled.

Tony landed just as Steve got out of his grip.

“I’m not leaving until we get her home! Safe and sound and….” Steve was struggling to speak.

“I know…”

“No! No you don’t know don’t think you can sympathize with me Stark. You didn’t just see the woman you love get turned into something she didn’t ask for. You didn’t just see the fear in her eyes when she tried not to attack us. I love her Stark! and I just want her to come home with me, we can work out the issues later.” Steve said with conviction and frustration.

The quinjets had all landed again and everyone regrouped.

All Marvel characters are copyright of Marvel except for the reader of course.

till next time
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